Saturday, August 6, 2011

Night and Sleep

Sleep and dreams are two of the most important things in our lives.  They even us out; from rulers to peasants, from angels to babies, everyone needs to sleep.  Drifting into peaceful oblivion is one of life's best pleasures.

Our dreams are our constant companions.  They take us on fantastic journeys, teach us many of our deepest lessons, and confront us with our darkest fears.  According to Chippewa legend, the netting of a dreamcatcher resembles a spider's web, pulling nightmares and bad dreams out of the air.  The nightmares are destroyed when daylight touches them.

In Greek myth, dreams were governed by Morpheus, who could appear in any human form.  He traveled with his brother Erebus, who personified night and darkness.  Evelyn De Morgan portrayed them traveling together above the living world in Night and Sleep.  It's one of my favorite paintings, and I keep it over my bed.

Night and Sleep reproduction from
What about you?  What's your favorite painting, and why do you like it?